Congratulations to Thana, April’s crew of the month for your fabulous quality of work and your dedication in making customers happy. Do enjoy your massage from and tell us how it goes ya. “Saya suka sangat kerja dengan Maideasy! In fact, saya bakal berhenti kerja full-time saya untuk fokus pada kerja Maideasy sahaja,” seloroh […] Massage Session In Review

These days, other than the stress of commuting to work in the sweltering heat and our busy schedules, we often forget our much needed self-care. How we wish there’s that ‘other’ someone to pamper you as a token of their appreciation for just being there in their lives. This month Maideasy has partnered with […]
Raqib and Linda, cleaners with a 5-year plan
Maideasy is a way for Malaysians to start fresh. Raqib and Linda faced challenging times as one was retrenched from her comfortable job as an IT executive, while the other had to shut down his home appliance business due to change in business environment. Left with nothing to do and a scary prospect of unemployment, […]
Industry Leaders Reveal Their Roadmaps To #BalanceForBetter
In a recent Tetler’s article, “10 Closing The Gender Gap: 10 Visionary Industry Leaders Reveal Their Roadmaps To #BalanceForBetter”, our co-founder Meriza share her thoughts on creating gender-balanced culture in the workplace. You may view full article here: […]
Makan-Makan with our Elite Customers
Saturday, 8 March 2019 3pm, Nutmeg, Bangsar Village II. We did something out of the ordinary this time. Usually, Maideasy organise it’s makan-makan session with the cleaning crew to gain feedback and what is important to them on Maideasy. These makan-makan is a great way to provide context to our business and giving a face […]
Bringing Cleaning Supplies and Tools
Finally, Maideasy has introduced an option to ease customers that is some of our cleaning crew will bring some tools and cleaning supplies to your home to clean your home better. Previously Maideasy did not have this option because of the high costs to the crew in preparing the tools AND cleaning materials that needs […]
Lovas, A Green Cleaning Materials Company
Maideasy remains committed in taking care of the welfare of its cleaning crew. We have been searching for cleaning supply sources in order to find those which are safe to use at work over a period of time, as well as safe to the environment. After much searching, we have found Lovas, a homegrown Malaysian […]
What’s so special about Malaysian Crew
Maideasy decided on the onset to employ only local cleaning crew. We could had gone the easy way and engage cleaning companies that use foreign workers, mostly illegals. Better Educated, Better Trained When we decided to use Malaysians, we realise that there are many benefits to using Malaysians, who are, in general better educated and […]
A Look At 2018
As the year closes and we are on to a start of a New Year, it’s customary for us to look back at our achievements (and mistakes) of the year. 2018 ended on a positive note and we have climbed a higher threshold with over 50000 bookings and over 1800 cleaning crew trained. Maideasy aims […]
A World of 3 Zeroes
If we follow the path of our predecessors, it will lead to the path that is determined by them. But if we want to reach a goal that is bright and sustainable for our future generation, we have to change course.” […]